Monday, August 20, 2007

One year later...

It wasn't fair. This time was supposed to be about Janet. She earned it, dreamed about it, and yearned to celebrate it. Instead I trumped her new mommy status and 31st birthday with a heart attack.

If it were me I would have been bitter, sad and a little jealous. I would have resented the fact that I couldn't complain because I would appear selfish and insensitive. But the truth of the matter is Janet was forced to surrender the spotlight too soon after Goo's birth.

I know we're not talking the trials of Job here, but Janet missed the special attention and celebration of her second child and her birthday in the same three weeks. Today I celebrate the birth of my wife. Someone who rarely gets the special one time offer, the parking space closest to the door, or the on-sale dress in her size.

Too often Janet gets: the bitter co-worker, mayo on her chicken sandwich, a watered down DP, an ebay sniper waiting to outbid her, an insensitive husband and a self-absorbed son.

I love you pretty. Thank you for all that you do, that never gets acknowleged.

Hopefully this year will be a much Happier Birthday!


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Come Back, I'll have cookies

Thanks for visiting my site. First let me assure my wife my blogs will be few and far between. Consider this blog as a supplement to Life With the Wisners, much like the dulche de leche in a Starbucks latte.

Now that I think about it, it's the dulche de leche the people want, not the actual coffee. So consider my blog the coffee and Janet's the syrup.

But that would imply that my blog has the substance and my wife's is the artificial flavor.

hmmmm.....this hole is getting deeper.

Did I mention how wonderful my wife is?